Bidirectional communication and control with Modbus or BACnet
Based on occupancy levels
Comfortable, energy-efficient
reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants
Reduction in short-term sick leave
BACnet VRV and ODU friendly
Improve asset maintenance
Tell us about the projects you're working on or planning. We will help you identify the best technology to suit your needs, ensuring we treat yours as passionately as we treat our own.
Transform your spaces, facilities and services through intelligent automation to drive remarkable outcomes. Allow us to collaborate with you to streamline all aspects to perfection.
Eager to extend beyond conventional dashboard widgets and charts? Our customised widgets and third-party analytics tools are tailored to meet your advanced requirements.
Understand your business operations logic and analysis your requirements with feasibility and schedule. Work with legacy systems and data aggregation integration for the best visual result.
For over seven years, we have been building various applications on the AWS cloud, ensuring steady and optimal performance that is both cost-effective and efficient for your workloads.
Managing configuring applications on PaaS can be tricky. To ensure continuous, seamless operations, we provide managed services for customised projects.
Ask us about plans, pricing, implementation, or anything else. Our knowledgeable colleagues are ready to help.